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#LentVoices Cleansing

“…as the rain came down

I dropped to my knees and I prayed

I said, "Oh heavenly thing, please cleanse my soul

I've seen all on offer and I'm not impressed at all…

You see it's a frightening thing when it dawns upon you

That I know as much as the day I was born”

Paul Weller - The Style Council “Shout to the Top”

How I’ve piled the layers of my plated self,

Draped myself in cloaks of skill.

Purpled skin in praise of me,

Stories that uphold this shill.

Flooding space between the drab,

The me inflicted bruises covered.

An exoskeleton of pride,

The truth of me will-fully smothered.

The truth, of me?

The truth, that’s such a laugh!

I’ve made myself a paper god,

A decoupage of chaff.

I’ve built this house into a joke,

A moulded parody of me,

Of me pretending to be above,

The me I want no one to see.

I’m not impressed.

Thank God.

Strip me bare,

Strip me back,

Strip away the crap,

That tears my heart and makes me crack.

Clean my soul and hold me.

Clean my soul and love me.

so I can really see you.

so I can really know you.

Be finally cleansed of “me”

And know things you see,

And know the me you see,

And know it’s not about me.

And know as much as the day I was born,

Thank God.

#LentVoices - Facebook and Linkedin

We are a diverse group of Christian freelancers who have collaborated to curate daily reflections during Lent. Each week will have a theme, explored 6 different ways on 6 days.

Andy Campbell – Coach, Trainer, Artist, Poet and occasional square peg. Andy helps people work out who they are, and what their next step might be.

James Fox Robinson – Creative, 3rd Order Franciscan, Dreamer, Professional Nuisance. James is passionate about curating spaces for people to engage with God’s story, physically and digitally.

Lucie Hutson – teacher and learner, created and creator, speaker and pioneer. Lucie is passionate about helping people to wander and wonder in the world around us.

Hasna Khatun – Ordained Pioneer Minister in the C of E. Teacher and Professional Actor/Presenter/Voiceover. Hasna lives to eat and laugh sparingly… She’d like to write an alternative script for Barbie, Ken and Cindy and adores the people who don’t fit in.

Sally Nash – Author, Researcher, Educator, Priest, Mentor, Spiritual Accompanier. Sally is passionate about helping people fulfil their potential and make a bigger difference in their world.

Mark Berry – Pioneer, Teacher, Speaker and Poet. Mark helps groups and individuals break boundaries, engage with culture and grow community.

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